País: México
Altura: 1.73m
Peso: 63 kg
Nascimento: 11/11/19?
She is a Native American woman who is a member of the Dolls, a group of young female assassins brainwashed by Shadaloo to work as M. Bison’s elite guard. She has the greatest physical strength among the Dolls, and specializes in fighting with twin hatchets. She is named after the month November.
Noembelu’s name was originally “Little Eagle”, and she is a member of the Thunderfoot Tribe whose family is close to T. Hawk. After being kidnapped by Shadaloo, she is sought after by T. Hawk, along with Juli.
Street Fighter 5: Noembelu barely makes an appearance during the story. She appears in the Kanzuki Estate to rescue Aprile who failed to rescue März. Both were under Birdie’s guard, but Noembelu manages to take him down. She then explains to them that Enero is angry that they were caught. She is also seen with the other Dolls fighting while under the influence of Psycho Power. Noembelu is seen again near the end, along with the rest of the Dolls, once they were no longer under the influence of Psycho Power. Noembelu can be also seen with the other Dolls in Cammy’s character story ending.
Aparência: She loves to wear a headband, and is always accompanied by her axe. In her alternative outfit, she wears a brightly colored poncho over her shoulders.
Interpretando Noembelu: Noembelu is a calm person that rarely speaks, even with the other Dolls, and prefers to work in silence. She is calm even when rotating her hatchets in a fight. She is also very sensitive to smells.
Machadinhas de Noembelu
Noembelu usa duas machadinhas indígenas, sendo um Duelista, equivalentes a facas. Para mais detalhes sobre combate com facas, leia o post Lutando com Facas. Os modificadores das machadinhas são:
Machadinha: Velocidade +1, Dano +2, Movimento +0
Noembelu como NPC
* Fontes: a história de Noembelu foi construída com base no Street Fighter Wikia. A planilha de NÃOoembelu bem como suas manobras foram extraídas do suplemento Tempos de Glória da Shotokan RPG.